+ 101 k
Direct Participants Reached
42 k
Youth Reached

Takunda, meaning “we have overcome” in Shona, is a $55M five-year (October 2020 to September 2025) USAID/BHA-funded Resilience Food Security Activity in Zimbabwe. The program is being implemented by CARE together with partners: Bulawayo Projects Centre (BPC), Environment Africa (EA), the Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN), Family Health International (FHI360), the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), International Youth Foundation (IYF) and Nutrition Action Zimbabwe (NAZ).

Agriculture & Livelihoods

Increased gender equitable income among extremely poor and chronically vulnerable households, women, and youth.

Health & Nutrition

Improved nutritional status among children under 5 years, adolescent girls, and women of reproductive age.


Reduced impact of shocks and stresses for extremely poor and chronically vulnerable households, women, and youth.

Cross-Cutting themes:
Interwoven between the purpose areas, and embedded in all program activities, are the following cross- cutting themes:
We work in two provinces

Manicaland & Masvingo

We work in two provinces, Manicaland and Masvingo, and across four districts: Buhera, Chivi, Mutare, and Zaka.

We inspire and help them live better

Targets areas with higher concentrations of extremely poor and chronically vulnerable households. Households will be scored, ranked, and selected based on vulnerability indicators:

  1. Poverty prevalence,
  2. Stunting,
  3. Mean hazard index,
  4. Population food insecurity,
  5. Access to safe drinking water, and
  6. Agro-ecological zone

Tailored targeting approaches for primary participant groups including:

  1. Extremely poor households (23,163);
  2. Chronically vulnerable households (46,327);
  3. Households with adolescents, children, and women at risk of chronic malnutrition (74,508) and;
  4. Whole communities (for some WASH interventions) (282,925).

Engaging communities through the Community visioning process to influence activity selection.
Ensuring effective integration, layering, and sequencing of approaches and interventions to increase positive outcomes for participants and enhance sustainability
Adaptive management
Local systems strengthening and sustainability