Training for Transformation: A Village Head’s Path to Becoming a Good Leader

Training for Transformation: A Village Head’s Path to Becoming a Good Leader

KEFAS MARAMBIRE (76) of Ward 28 Cluster A, Tibha Village, has made a milestone in portraying good leadership qualities after attending the Training for Transformation (TFT) workshop conducted by Takunda. A Village Head leading at least 70 households, he proudly returned to his village and began implementing what he learned from TFT.


Kefas, in consultation with his secretary, JAMES TIBHA (46), noted the village had not had a functioning Committee since the previous one failed over 15 years ago. During the last engagements, Kefas and James did not see a need to replace the committee. As the village head, Kefas made decisions without consulting the villagers, an approach that his community viewed as selfish and hostile. In addition to this, most of the projects, rearing chickens, goats, piggeries, and building kraals, he selected did not produce the desired results due to a lack of adequate monitoring and supervision. Different development agencies supported these projects, and they failed because of individualism in the community and a lack of ownership by the community as a whole. After Kefas Marambire and James Tibha attended TFT, they mobilized the entire village and shared feedback with them. They used the same platform to cascade some of the TFT modules, particularly ‘Qualities of a Good Leader’ and the story of ‘Mambo Gutu.’ On a certain day, Mambo Gutu asked everyone in his village to contribute one liter of milk, which was poured into a big drum in the center of his compound. The chief opened the drum after a week to find only water! When he saw there was just water & no milk, he convened a meeting and told everyone to grab some sadza before going to the large drum to obtain milk. The narrative helped the Kefas and James communities grasp the concepts of development, unity of purpose, trust, and offering feedback because Chief Gutu did not explain or justify his request to the people, and the people were not inconspicuous with their donations. After cascading the qualities of a good leader to the community, Kefas allowed the community to select a committee based on the knowledge gained through the cascaded training. He facilitated the selection process, ensuring all community members’ active participation and inclusion. Of the elected seven members, five are women, and one of the women is a youth. Kefas stated, “The participation of women is essential, and their selection is one of our solutions to end poverty in our village. They are the ones who attend community gatherings, and they do not frequently migrate looking for jobs as men do.” Kefas provided a conducive environment for the community to give feedback to the leadership. The community chose to provide feedback to James, who, on account of age, stands in for the village head in most activities and collectively identified strengths and improvement areas, which James admitted a need to work on. The community expressed great appreciation and promised to continue doing it to their leadership.

MAY 16, 2023: Ward 28, cluster A, Kefas Marambire (left) posing for a photo with Village Secretary James Tibha, who is expressing joy after receiving feedback from the villagers.
© Kaizer Makope/ CARE

  “Receiving feedback from people was not an easy session for me. However, after the session, I felt so confident and transformed.  This exercise helped me learn more about myself. I want to thank the community for helping me become their desirable leader. I appreciate the Takunda Program for bringing this transformative training to me,” shared James after the feedback session. Kefas believes the TFT is essential to addressing development challenges in all the communities, “This leadership training is a youth both leaders and those they lead. It needs to be cascaded to the villagers, and the leader needs to ensure they are on the same page every step of the way. This will ensure that when their leader is unavailable, a villager will always be willing to take on the mantle as it can go a long way in solving current community challenges.” He looks forward to engaging with the villagers in every development aspect. He plans to organize a feedback review meeting after a year with the villagers to trace if James’ leadership approaches have transformed. He, however, recommends that Takunda transfer it to those they lead instead of training leaders alone.