USAID Takunda Takes Center Stage at the 113th Zimbabwe Agricultural Show

Zimbabwe Agricultural Society is hosting the 113th Edition of the Zimbabwe Agricultural Show from August 28 to September 02, 2023. This year’s theme is ‘Sustained Growth. Adaptation. Productivity. Linkages.’ USAID Takunda, a resilience food security program, is exhibiting at the event to showcase its progress toward achieving sustainable, equitable, and resilient food, nutrition, and income security in Manicaland and Masvingo.


USAID Takunda alongside other CARE International in Zimbabwe projects ECHO-HIP and Supporting Transition, Retention and Training for Girls (Start4Girls), USAID Takunda’s objectives are  showcasing are to provide opportunities for local service providers to network and market their products and services at a national level, as well as the positive and sustainable impact achieved so far in alleviating poverty through integrated approaches.

The exhibition is anchored on the inspiring story of MR. TINASHE and MRS. PRIVILEGE JANGA-PEDZAIfrom Zaka, a model family who have adapted their understanding of USAID Takunda’s interventions. As a family, Tinashe and Privilege are an actualization of a complete cycle of participant engagement in USAID Takunda areas of interest: Agriculture and Livelihood, Health and Nutrition, and Resilience building. In his own words, Tinashe is a ‘Resilience Designs Master’ and a weather forecaster in Ward 14 in Zaka District.Resilience Design is a smallholder farming system approach that allows farmers to redesign their fields to increase soil health, manage water, and become more resilient to climate and environmental shocks. Popularised as ‘RD,’ resilience designs are being incorporated on the Farmer Field Business School as one of the approaches that farmers are implementing to improve both food security and nutritional status at the household level. USAID Takunda is presenting three interventions: Resilience Design, Farmer Field Business School, Enriched Porridge production, and Community-Led Monitoring & Evaluation.

Located in the Home Industries Hall, the exhibition stand has been a hive of activity where Enriched porridge participants, on their first day of selling, have sold products worth over US$40; ranging from sorghum with Roundnuts, maize with cowpeas, maize with roundnuts; finger millet with roundnuts; and site visitors are in awe of the participants as they have been both informative and engaging. Training for enriched porridge production began early this year with the aim of improving access to nutritious foods at the household level, reducing instances of stunted growth, and creating an alternative source of income for producers.


Meet the Participants