Community Visioning Brings Hope to the Community

Community Visioning Brings Hope to the Community

The inclusion of young women in community visioning has brought the hope to participate in the community engagement processes to ensure the voices of all are heard and represented. Having given birth only three days prior, local resident Susan Njakaria did not hesitate to attend a community engagement session where sub-population groups conducted their visioning processes.

When asked why she had to attend with a very young baby, all she could say was, “This is the first time our village is conducting an inclusive community engagement process to develop our aspirations, hence I cannot afford to miss out!”SUSAN NJAIKIRA Mutare District, ward 14 Chapeyama Village.

Susan Njakaira breastfeeds her baby. © Calorine Madanzi/ CARE & © Nyasha Mhlanga/ CARE

Susan Njakaira breastfeeds her baby. © Calorine Madanzi/ CARE & © Nyasha Mhlanga/ CARE

Currently, she receives income from casual labor work in other people’s farming plots. She aspires to raise poultry and pigs at a small yet substantial scale to support her four children and husband. Susan is grateful to participate in a community engagement process together with other community women.