USAID Takunda’s community visioning facilitation model: A lesson learned for all!

USAID Takunda’s community visioning facilitation model: A lesson learned for all!

Over five days, the community visioning process was activated and implemented at Matsakanure Business Centre from September 27 — October 1, 2021. Community members from Ward 24 undertook the process with facilitation from ZVITSVA KUDYAIGERE and SAMUEL MVUKWE.


Previously, the two community-based facilitators attended a training of trainers’ workshop held at Masasa Business Centre together with Wards 22, 23,24, and 25.

The two facilitated the selection of a documentation team solely responsible for consolidating a Community Action Plan. Using skills enhanced through a Takunda workshop, the documentation team and their facilitators produced their first draft of the plan. The secretary will develop a final draft and prepare it for endorsement by local leadership.

“We own this CAP. We worked hard to make it,” ZVITSVA KUDYAIGERE shared, speaking to the ownership of his community’s CAP.

The successful training platforms was characterized by the attendance of members of different socio groups namely, the elderly in the fifty years and above for both men and women, thirty-six to forty-nine years for both men and women, the young men and young women in the eighteen to thirty-five years category, pregnant and lactating women as well as the young who dropped out of school for various reasons. A total of twenty-nine participants comprising fourteen men and fifteen women attended all five training days.

“We dropped out of school for various reasons, but Takunda’s vocational training support is giving us hope for a second chance” a participant from a Young Women Group shared.

They indicated they are geared to take vocational courses such as computers, Sewing, hairdressing, and Peanut butter making to become self-reliant.