Purpose 3: Reduced impact of shocks and stresses for extremely poor and chronically vulnerable households, women, and youth.
Key Outcomes
Key Targets
Approaches and Tools:
Focal Areas: Household and community capacities to address shocks and stressors; and support systems for community-based planning and management.
Key Outcomes
Household mechanisms/strategies to manage climate shocks, market failures, and macroeconomic context enhanced.
Community-based planning and management systems for shared resources strengthened.
Effective linkages between government and community DRR structures strengthened.
Household access to appropriate risk information and services improved.
Key Targets
Program transfers through productive asset creation will benefit 8150 extremely poor and chronically vulnerable people
25400 will directly benefit from the 92 assets (10 weirs and 82 solar-powered gardens) that will be supported by Takunda.
Impact on all targeted Takunda beneficiaries (301000+) through enhancing the capacities of the poor and chronically vulnerable food-insecure households and improving support systems for community–based management to ensure people can absorb, adapt, and transform in the face of shocks and stresses.